
Bad Habits That Exacerbate Your Plantar Fasciitis

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Bad Habits That Exacerbate Your Plantar Fasciitis

Is plantar fasciitis ruining your life? Bad habits can make your condition worse. Taking another look at your lifestyle might be vital to helping treatments be more effective.

Plantar fasciitis can be painful, embarrassing, and severely limiting regarding mobility. Starting each day with a shock of pain when your feet hit the floor is no way to live. Fortunately, there are things both you and doctors can do to relieve your symptoms.

At Hansen Foot & Ankle in Mill Creek, Washington, Dr. Nathan Hansen and his team provide excellence in podiatric medicine to help you overcome your plantar fasciitis and get relief from the pain, so you can go back to living your best life.

Causes of plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis can result from very flat feet or very high arches, working a job that requires standing on hard surfaces all day, being overweight, or aging. Being a long-distance runner or a ballet dancer can increase your risk, as these activities stress the fascia, the band of connective tissue running from your heel to the ball of your foot. Wearing very high heels regularly can also put you in the high-risk category.

The tell-tale symptom of plantar fasciitis

The most common symptom of plantar fasciitis is a stabbing pain on the bottom of your foot near your heel when you first get up in the morning and when you get up after sitting for some time. It only lasts for a few steps in mild cases, but if the band of tissue is very tight. You might experience almost constant pain when you try to walk or stand. 

Bad habits that exacerbate plantar fasciitis

Some habits can make plantar fasciitis worse. In addition to seeking medical treatment for your condition, you should also examine your lifestyle and see if you can change your habits to reduce strain on your fascia and minimize your pain.

  • Standing or sitting for too long
  • Carrying too much weight on your frame
  • Wearing unsupportive footwear
  • Exercising without stretching your fascia first
  • Ignoring or “pushing through” your foot pain

If you’re experiencing symptoms, schedule an appointment with a podiatrist as soon as possible.

Home exercises to relieve plantar fasciitis pain

You can try these exercises to stretch your fascia and get some relief from the pain:

Toe curls

Stand on a towel and practice grabbing it and scrunching it up by curling your toes. You can also stand on a step or a book and curl your toes tightly and repeatedly over the edge. Do 10 reps as needed throughout the day

Ankle rotations

Sit with your legs straight out in front of you, or sit in a chair with your leg stretched in front of you, resting on an ottoman or other support. Rotate your ankle gently in a circle one way, then the other, to gently stretch the fascia in different directions. Do 10 reps at various points during the day.

Treatment for plantar fasciitis 

Dr. Hansen examines you carefully to ensure there is no other cause for your foot pain, then develops a customized treatment plan for you. Treatments can include any of the following:

  • Custom orthotics (shoe inserts)
  • Padding or strapping of the foot
  • Night splints to keep the fascia extended
  • A removable walking cast
  • Physical therapy to stretch the fascia

Are you suffering from plantar fasciitis? We can help. Contact our office to request a consultation today.